Saturday, August 30, 2008

Michael in First Grade

So it is official my baby is now in First grade :( I am so sad. I took him to school that morning, I have to make sure he doesnt get lost or anything LOL...I just imagine him wandering the halls not knowing where to go, and too shy to ask for help. So yeah I took him :) It was a MESS no where to park, parents parking on top of medians, jumping curbs to park...yeah it was nutz! So we got him in, I didnt walk alll the way back but we met a lady who showed him where to go :)

When he got home, jumped off the bus and told me all about his day. His friend Preston is in his class, that is a good thing. (Preston is Mike's friend's son, and they live in the same neighborhood as we do)

Then I told Michael we would have to make a special First Day of First Grade dinner. He of course picked Tacos! He loves them things :)

Sounds to me that he had a pretty awesome day :)

Not to mention that they "have this part on the desk where you keep your ownnn things!" lol

He thinks that is awesome!

Michael in the morning...on our way to school...he looks so nervous

At the school....he looks a bit more relaxed.

Eating his First Grade Dinner

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michael's Party

Well it is the day of Michael's birthday party...what could go wrong...right?

I woke up earlier then 9 so I can run all over Plano to pick up Balloons, cake, ice...then go home to get the rest of the things, and be at the pool to set up all before 11...sounds pretty doable...right?

NOT! I got the balloons, easy no fuss nothing, besides the balloons migrating to the front of the car to kill me! I was swatting balloons to the back of the car the whole ride to walmart to pick up the cake.

So I got there asked for the cake I ordered...walked to the counter to pay...looked down...what is this...THIS is not the cake I ordered!!!

Off to the customer service desk...what did this lady just ask me? Did I want another cake? NO I WANT THE CAKE I ORDERED! 30 minutes later I end up only paying $10 for a $20 cake.

But I have no Idea what is on this cake...LOL

Kids didnt seem to mind one bit.

After I am in the car with the cake I didnt order and the killer balloons, it is off to my house to get the rest of the things.

I arrive to the house to see Michael and his cousin getting ready and Mike pushing them off on me! What I have to SET UP come later!

So I rush out the door on my way to the pool to set up!

I made it! What now???? I get to the counter to find out where my tables are and well THEY DIDNT WRITE ME IN ON THE BOOK!!!!!!!!

She penciled me on the chart...should have been DONE 3 WEEKS AGO!

So I set up and people start arriving, where is the birthday boy? IDK! I called Mike's phone several times, no luck in him picking up!

20 minutes later in marches a angry Mike!

He was lost, the GPS sent him some where else, and I didnt tell him (so now this is my fault) Well if you remember HE DIDNT HAVE HIS PHONE HE LEFT IT AT HIS BROTHERS!

so I tell him not to be the person that brings negativity to my son's party, then left to get the pizza.

After all that it went pretty well, besides me not being able to relax.

Michael had a good turn out :) I was happy! He was happy!

The cake did start to melt so I ran it into the gaurds room to save it from the hot sun!

What a nice day!

After the party I was able to actually get in the pool. We decided to stay a while after it was all said and done and Mike actually went to get some shorts and got in the pool!

Happy Birthday Michael!

Here is the cake I made :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Michael's Party (almost time)

Okay so Michael officially turns 6 on Thursday! He couldnt be more excited! He is talking about what he wants for his birthday, and his birthday party too!

I have invited 13 kids, but confirmed only 10 coming. I am running into if I should MAKE 2 extra bags incase the 3 who didnt RSVP just show up? But on the invites I put that they NEEDED to RSVP cause I had a list running for the front desk at the pool as to who to let in (cause I want to know what extra I am paying since I only got a book of 20 pool passes).

Fustrating I tell ya!

I hear about people that dont RSVP and how nerve wrecking it is, and let me tell you I am finding it out first hand!

Would it be rude of me to NOT make the extra gift bags and NOT put them on the list, so if they show up they are SOL?

Maybe it would teach them a lesson in the future to RSVP?

Michael has been asking just just Legos and a pair of overalls...Overalls you ask?

Wellll...he isnt into John Deer or anything like that...if you know Michael and have been paying attention to the is MARIO BROTHERS FEVER!

He has a red shirt, a Mario hat, brown shoes, and all that is missing is well...the overalls.

I think I am going to get him a bike...he can ride it and I can walk!

So the party is going to be at this awesome pool (I think I blogged on it before).

With the help of a co-worker I got 2 tables reserved for $5 a table per hour!


With that I bought a green and red table clothe (Mario and Luigi), some red and green plates and napkins, no cups cause they will have like kids drinks and things.

I am going to pick up some pizza pies from Little Ceasars and get some juices for the kids. Also some bottles of water for the adults and maybe some other kind of drink. I was also thinking some sort of veggie tray and maybe some chips?

The cake is ordered, I ordered the bottom is white cake and it will be designed as bricks...I am going to make a smaller round cake in chocolate because that is Michael's favorite flavor. I bought a teir and I will put the small round cake on that...and put on a Mario and Luigi figurine.

The goodie bags are made and ready for handing out!

Sounds like it is all under wraps right? Well besides those who dont RSVP!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Michael Lost his 2nd Tooth!

Michael came to me with his 2nd loose tooth hanging to the side LOL so I was being "mean mommy" and I pushed it (ooops) It was bleeding and he didnt like that at all :(

But once I had him rinse his mouth with water and mouth rinse it was ok!

We was super excited to see the tooth fairy left him $5! Which daddy changed into GOLDEN DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Enwrapture Skirt

On the site I a part of ( they did a co-op on enwrapture skirts and I missed it! Luckily Beth was selling some of hers and had one I loved! Here is me trying it on, I am still trying to find different ways to wear it :)

Michael's Birthday Cake

So I went out and got some cake supplies I figured I would do a "practice" cake before having to make the real one so I know what to do...well since Mike seems to want to keep it 100 degrees in the house and turns the AC off every chance he gets my icing would not stay formed and turned into a goop of a mess!

Here is what i got, I gave up since I couldnt decorate since it was too hot!

Maybe when I do the final cake he will not be here so I can keep the AC on full blast!

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Awe aint we cuteee

Awe aint we cuteee

Michael's Sidewalk Art


Frogpond Badge