Merry Christmas!
Today is Christmas, last night, Christmas Eve, wasnt too eventful, I was running to stores in the mess that is was! And up late wrapping, ran out of tape around 12am, and traveled to 3 different 7-11 stores to find some tape! I didnt go to sleep until close to be woken up this morning at 7:30, which was amazing, since Michael didnt go to sleep until late, and usually sleeps til 11am, but given it is Christmas and he probally couldnt contain his excitement he woke up early.
We actually told him to lay with us for a minute before we went in there and had to wait for daddy to take a shower! UgH, while daddy was taking a shower Michael and I made breakfeast and watched a little TV.
Finally when daddy was done with the shower, it was time to open the gifts from Santa!
Michael was excited to get the easel board he had been asking for, and has actually spent a good amount of time on it today, he likes the white board feature, and the painting papper that rolls out. We have not used the chalk side, but that is because we didnt buy any chalk, or sorry Santa didnt bring any :)
Michael also got UB Funkeys started kit and some other ones to go with it, he played that alot today as well. They are actually fun and I played it a bit as well.
Santa also brought Michael Clue Jr., which we are playing as I type, Scrabble Jr. A bike, a huge candy cane, knex, match box car town set and some other things.
From Grandma Christie, a $25 check! Which he said he was going to save.
His Aunt Crystal also sent a check for $25 which he said he was going to save.
Grandma Angie got Michael clothes which he really needed :)
Michael's Reese got him a guitar which he asked for and legos, He also received a Wii Fit from Uncle John, Aunt Galena and his cousins.
He received tons of other things, like a radio boom box...but he wants an MP3 player soo I checked Toys R Us and they are actually 50% off and so we just might have to exchange it tomorrow.
We did do anything special for a Christmas Dinner, Michael and I just had some Turkey, chicken stew Mike's mom cooked last night - it was good, a bit spicy for Michael so he ate a hot dog instead. I heard that chinese restraunts are open but I am not feeling like ordering and waiting and wasting money.
Mike's mom got us some towels and bed sheet set which those things we really needed!
Mom sent me a check for $100! I bought a couple outfits with those :) Thanks mom!
My friend and co-worker Tara got me a gift card to Sonic! and a santa figurine that is so cute and now sitting on my mantel.
Other then that, that is all, Michael had a good Christmas and that is all that matters :)
We were able to ship my families gifts to them this week, a day late, they should receive them tomorrow, Friday the 26th.
I really hope that they love the gifts we got them.
I was really tired, and Mike drove me home from his brother's house and I went right to sleep...woke up when he later got home with Michael and then passed back out...I am still tired and could pass back out right now if I wasnt busy playing with my son and blogging.
I hope each and everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
Here is our tree! With all the lovely cards we received :)

Michael opening his gifts

Michael playing his guitar